I gave my blog a makeover. Let me know what you think about the new background and header. I think it added a little well-needed color. And...well pink will always be my favorite.
I gave my blog a makeover. Let me know what you think about the new background and header. I think it added a little well-needed color. And...well pink will always be my favorite.
I took this pic yesterday at Haddam Meadow State Park, we had such a fun day. We explored the park and all the little beaches on the Connecticut River. We ate a picnic lunch and walked around for a while. Doesn't the sky with the clouds look awesome. My hubby loves clouds, he is a science major and just finished up meteorology last semester. So he loves to tell us the names of all the clouds.
I am so happy, tomorrow is my last day at work before my (almost) 10 day vacation. I only have to go in for one day in the middle of my vacation for a meeting. Luckily we are having the meeting at Sakura restaurant, and I love Japanese food.
I can't wait for my time off so I can do some un-packing. I have been missing some of my favorite things around the house. Especially my garden and cookbooks, a few projects I packed away before they were finished, and my art stuff. This is where I'll be spending a lot of my time off!! Down on our lake. Hubby wants me to try kayaking, I've never tried before. He goes with the kids all the time, but I am always a chicken.
To cheer myself up I bought some gorgeous gladiolus. They are just starting to open their lovely blossoms. Aren't they pretty?
I got to spend some time in the kitchen with my youngest son cooking a nice dinner.
Cooking is one of my favorite things to do. It is so relaxing and I love it when Alex helps out. He wants to be a chef when he grows up. He loves cooking as much as I do.
After dinner we made yummy root beer floats. I served mine in my favorite mug.
I guess when it is the right house and it is meant to be it will happen. Hubby is so sweet, he keeps trying to cheer me up. I am glad I got to spend the afternoon with my family. It ended up being kind of a good day.
I left the inside of the mini chest unpainted, so it still has that lovely cedar smell. I also tied a pretty pink chiffon ribbon to the tiny key.
I also made this little galvanized pail. I love the pretty colors. It brightens up the whole room. This also got tied with a pink chiffon ribbon.
My garden is in full bloom right now. I will try to get some new pics up tomorrow.
Dicentra Spectabilis Alba (White Bleeding Heart)
I love the tiny white flowers peeking out through the Hostas.
Convallaria Majalis (Lily of the valley) Aren't there nodding heads adorable?
This is a small tree I have been growing since it was only a twig about 6" tall. It is a prunus cistena (purple sand leaf cherry).